Monday, February 05, 2007

Good News From the Super Bowl

I usually stick to college sports here, but it's also hard to do a sports blog and ignore the single biggest sporting event in the United States, especially when I found two good stories that fit the good news theme.

First, I was really happy to see Tony Dungy reach the pinnacle of his profession. From everything I've ever read or heard, Dungy is one of the truly good people in sports at any level. Here is an article from The Christian Post that tells how his faith has led him to success and peace in his life.

If you watched the post-game, you noticed that the Colts players and coaches donned "Super Bowl Champion" caps and t-shirts immediately after the game. In order for that to happen, there were also "Chicago Bears, Super Bowl XLI Champions" t-shirts made up. Have you ever wondered what happens to those after the game? It turns out they are donated to World Vision and shipped overseas.


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